

2025-02-08 09:27:01 [返回列表]
本文摘要:Ant Financial, Alibaba’s online payments affiliate, has completed a fund raising that values the company at $45bn-$50bn, according to people close to the Chinese ecommerce group.熟知阿里巴巴(Alibaba)情况的人士回应,该集团在线缴纳分公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)已完成一轮募资,令其其估值超过450亿美元到500亿美元之间。

Ant Financial, Alibaba’s online payments affiliate, has completed a fund raising that values the company at $45bn-$50bn, according to people close to the Chinese ecommerce group.熟知阿里巴巴(Alibaba)情况的人士回应,该集团在线缴纳分公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)已完成一轮募资,令其其估值超过450亿美元到500亿美元之间。The $45bn-$50bn valuation would place Ant Financial among the world’s most valuable private technology companies, alongside smartphone maker Xiaomi and US car hailing app Uber.450亿美元到500亿美元的估值,将令蚂蚁金服与智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)及美国微信应用于优步(Uber)一道,沦为全球估值最低的未上市高科技企业。

Xiaomi was valued at $45bn last year, while Uber is reportedly in the process of raising funds that value it at $50bn.去年,小米的估值曾超过450亿美元。而优步据报导也在募资过程中,其估值在这轮募资中超过500亿美元。Ant Financial operates Alipay, the Paypal-like online payments company, that handled $778bn in the year to end-June 2014, according to Alibaba.蚂蚁金服旗下运营着类似于Paypal的在线缴纳公司支付宝(Alipay)。根据阿里巴巴的众说纷纭,在截至2014年6月底的一年里,支付宝处置的缴纳业务规模约7780亿美元。

That is three times the amount handled by US peer Paypal, and equivalent to one-third of the $2.5tn in total global online payments last year, according Juniper Research.根据Juniper Research的众说纷纭,这一数额是其美国同行Paypal的三倍,也相等去年全球2.5万亿美元在线缴纳总额的三分之一。Last year Ant Financial was among a handful of internet companies given permission to open an internet bank, with the launch scheduled for next week.去年,蚂蚁金服沦为少数几家被许可创立互联网银行的互联网企业。该公司订于在下周启动这一银行。

Ant Financial’s main shareholder is Jack Ma, Alibaba’s chairman, while other shareholders include David Yu, co-founder of Yunfeng Capital, Mr Ma’s private equity fund. Mr Yu was among the investors in the latest Ant Financial private share placement, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.蚂蚁金服的主要股东是阿里巴巴董事长马云(Jack Ma),其他股东还包括云锋基金(Yunfeng Capital)牵头创始人虞锋(David Yu)。云锋基金是马云的投资基金股权基金。知情人士回应,虞锋是蚂蚁金服近期一轮私人新股的投资者之一。China Development Bank Capital, an investment arm of China Development Bank, was another investor, according to a person familiar with the transaction. Ant Financial has also revealed that investors include China’s National Social Security Fund.熟知该交易的知情人士回应,中国国家开发银行(China Development Bank)旗下的投资分公司国开金融(China Development Bank Capital),也是蚂蚁金服的投资方。

此外,蚂蚁金服还曾透露其投资方还包括中国全国社保基金(National Social Security Fund)。Ant Financial refused to disclose the amount of funds raised, nor the number of shares placed.蚂蚁金服拒绝接受透漏募资规模,也拒绝接受透漏定向新股的股份数。

Mr Ma has previously said that Ant Financial has plans for an initial public offering in China but has declined to say when, although press reports have suggested that the likely date would fall in 2017.在此之前,马云曾回应蚂蚁金服有计划在中国上市,但拒绝接受透漏何时上市。不过,多家媒体报道似乎,有可能的日期不会落在2017年。“We don’t deny were working towards an IPO, but we don’t have a timeline,” said Ant Financial.蚂蚁金服回应:“我们不坚称正在向着上市希望,但我们没上市时间表。”Alipay was the subject of one of China’s most controversial corporate governance scandals, when in 2011 Mr Ma took it out of Alibaba and placed it under the direct control of himself and some associates. Yahoo, at the time a 40 per cent shareholder in Alibaba, was among the main protesters.2011年,马云将支付宝从阿里巴巴挤压,并将其置放自己及部分合伙人的必要掌控之下,此举令其支付宝陷于中国最不具争议的企业管理丑闻之一。

当时,持有人阿里巴巴40%股份的雅虎(Yahoo),是主要的抗议者之一。Mr Ma claims he needed to do this in order to satisfy new Chinese regulations on online finance. Alibaba later settled with Yahoo and SoftBank, the Japanese technology group that is its other major shareholder.马云声称,为符合中国在网络金融领域的新规定,他被迫这么做到。在那之后,阿里巴巴与雅虎和软银(SoftBank)达成协议了妥协。



